Feed Additives - Vemo 99

Establishing the impact of VemoHerb T on the morphological characteristics of the laying hens’ eggs

VemoHerb T is dry extract of appropriately selected and combined unique Bulgarian remedial plants, produced by Vemo 99 Ltd Sofia, Bulgaria.

The product contains the following biologically active substances: saponins, sterols, flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols and others.

It is added to compound feed for layers in doses of 250 g/t feed.

Addition of VemoHerb T to the compound feed of poultry parents herds and commercial laying hens leads to the following effects:

-        the test product in females influences the functions of the ovaries compared to the total boost vitality and metabolism;

-        the tested product has positive impact on the intensity of increasing the mass of the eggs for breeding in broiler parents

-        the mass of eggs for incubation is increased due to the white and yolk

-        the mass of the eggs for consumption is increased due to the white and yolk

-        the tested product has no negative impact on the others morphological characteristic of the eggs as index of shape, Hough units, thickness of the shell and others

-        the tested product has no negative impact on the smell and taste of boiled eggs for consumption