VemoHerb® PR is suitable and beneficial for almost all animal species, such as poultry, pigs and piglets, pets (cats, dogs etc.), sheep, rams, goats, calves, fish and shrimp, snails. Application to poultry leads to balancing the gut microflora, resulting in lower consumption of feed and higher growth rate. This then provides for significant overall economic benefit.

Why Probiotics?

  • Probiotics are live organisms that can be beneficially used in animal farming, positively influencing the gut microflora and the intestinal tract. They are considered as both growth and health stimulators, with specific application in pig and poultry production.  
  • Probiotics beneficially alter the intestinal health, via limiting the development and spread of pathogenic bacteria .
  • Probiotics are very good alternatives to the antibiotic growth promoters, providing safe and natural way of improving the intestinal health.  
  • Probiotics have a positive impact on the livestock environment, improving the overall animal breeding quality. They benefit the ecosystem of the farms and environment as a result of the enrichment with lactic acid bacteria.
  • Probiotics favor the stabilization of the microbial balance, which leads to positive effect on the overall animal productivity
  • Probiotics help for multiplication of beneficial microorganisms and thus they do not allow development of harmful ones



  • L. bulgaricus – Antimicrobial activity
  • S. thermophilus - Protection against chemical mutagens
  • E. faecium - limiting the amount of secreted carcinogens
  • L. acodophilus - Limiting diarrhea levels
  • L. helveticus - Positive effect against inflamations
  • L. delbrueckii ssp. Lactis – Antibacterial activity (E. coli, Listeria spp., St. aureus)

Тhe diverse composition of lactic acid microorganisms maximize the effect of probiotics in the digestive tract: stomach, small and large intestines.


Not less than 5x109 CFU/g lactic acid bacteria



200-400 g/t feed


  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Balancing the intestinal pH
  • Antimicrobial activity
  • Limiting the “unfavorable” gut microflora, via direct competition
  • Strong antitoxic activity
  • Improving the barrier function of the intestinal wall against pathogens
  • Contributes to the recovery of the intestinal microflora


VemoHerb® PR is suitable and beneficial for almost all animal species, such as:

  • poultry
  • pigs and piglets
  • pets – cats, dogs and etc.
  • sheep, rams
  • goats
  • calves
  • fish and shrimp
  • snails


  • 3.4% higher live weight
  • 6% Improved FCR
  • 4.8% higher prоtein content in the breast muscles
  • significantly higher number of lactic bacteria in the ileum
  • 3.3% lower mortality

Applied to poultry leads to balancing the gut microflora, resulting in lower consumption of feed and higher growth rate. This then provides for significant overall economic benefit.


  • Limited gastrointestinal diseases
  • Reduced incidence of coccidiosis
  • Improved gut microflora
  • Improved survival rate

VemoHerb® PR can be applied to young rabbits, prior to or after weaning. The product can be applied both in the rabbit feed or water, resulting in significant health benefits for the animals.


  • 1.8 - 6% higher live weight
  • 2.3 - 10% Improved FCR
  • 6.9-17% improved average daily gain
  • Reduced cholesterol and blood urea levels
  • 15% lower mortality
  • Improved health status

VemoHerb® PR can be applied to pigs of all ages, where in suckling and growing pigs, it drastically improves the health status and survival rate of the animals. Thus, the need for medical care is reduced.


  • 5.3% Higher live weight
  • 1% Improved FCR
  • 4.6% improved average daily gain
  • Limited digestive disorders
  • Improved gut microflora

Applied to calves leads to significantly increased body weight and average daily gain. Also, the total number of microorganisms in the faces is decreased, while the number of Lactobacillus and Streptococcus reliably increases.


  • Increased body weight
  • Improved feed fiber digestibility
  • Improved overall health status
  • Decreased diarrhea incidence
  • Decreased population of total coliforms

Аpplied to sheep leads to significantly improved overall health state of the animals. The combination of the products leads to increased sexual desire outside of the breeding period and improves the semen quality.