VemoHerb® Zyme is an innovative product that contains the enzymes mannanase, xylanase, glucanase, cellulase, protease, amylase, lipase, and galactosidase, in combination with biologically active substances such as flavonoids, saponins, sterols, tannins, polyphenols, etc., extrcted from specially selected parts of unique Bulgarian herbal plants.


Herbal Solutions!

As our living standard has been continuously improving, the concept of a return back to nature is becoming more and more relevant, even in feed manufacturing.

Herbs and herbal extracts as feed additives are an efficient and cost-effective option to meet customers’ demands. Research shows that some herbal extracts have antibacterial, antioxidant and immunostimulating properties and are a really good alternative to the prohibited antibiotic growth promoters, having better or (at least) equivalent effect on the animals’ health.

Antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) have been uncontrollably applied in the past years, leading to resistance in many animal species, and even in humans that consume them. As a result, attention was put on the quality of animal production and VemoHerb® Zyme was developed as an AGP alternative, that corresponds to the up-to-date healthy lifestyle requirements. In the conditions of intensive livestock breeding, the complete ban on nutritional antibiotics, and consumer requirements for animal products without residual drug substances, the use of medicinal plants has gained popularity, as a source of biologically active substances with certain physiological effects.

VemoHerb® Zyme contains premium quality highly concentrated and purified herbal extracts. The biologically active substances contained in VemoHerb® Zyme positively affect animal health, regulate the digestive processes, strengthen the immune system, improve the productive performance and feed efficiency. Their action is supercharged, because they are especially developed as a mixture of appropriately selected herbal extracts, with carefully matched synergistic properties.


Enzymes Are Worth It!

Nowadays, enzymes are most of the times present as feed additives in the manufacturing procedures of combined feedstuffs. Enzymes are aiming to:

♦    eliminate the action of antinutritional substances, present in the feed;
♦    degrade and better assimilate the nutrients, which cannot be utilised by the enzymes present in the animal’s organism;
♦    widen the raw materials used for the production of combined feed;
♦    and have various environmental benefits.

Hydrolysis of the high molecular substrates is the main mechanism of action of the enzyme feed additives used. The enzymes that are not normally produced in the animal’s digestive tract have the widest application. Mostly, these are the ones that degrade the non-starch polysaccharides.

The enzymes that degrade non-starch polysaccharides act on the following substrates: 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucans, mostly present in barley; and arabinoxylans (pentosanes), which are present in high amounts in rye, triticale, oats and wheat. The soluble forms of the non-starch polysaccharides lead to increased viscosity of the digestive tract content. This then results in worsened assimilation and utilisation of the nutrients present from the feed; higher diarrhoea rates and hygiene problems, like poor litter quality and indoor climate, pododermatitis, chest blisters in birds, and many more. Application of the appropriate enzyme complex, like the one in VemoHerb® Zyme, according to the specific diets of the animals, leads to lowering or even removing these antinutritional effects. Along with the enzymes that break down non-starch polysaccharides, VemoHerb® Zyme also contains other enzymes with a proven positive biological and economic effect, such as α-galactosidase, mannanase, and so on. Further, the product is designed to enhance the properties of the enzymes, in terms of their catalytic activity and stability, in order to increase their effectiveness as feed additive of high practical relevance and economical return.

VemoHerb® Zyme contains high quality enzyme complex, that provides for better feed utilisation and improves the animal performance.

The intestinal microbiota plays a crucial role in the animal nutrition, health, performance and production quality. The addition of VemoHerb® Zyme to the feed reduces the undigested substances and anti-nutritional factors, producing beneficial short chain oligosaccharides from NSP. These benefits have been shown to have potential prebiotic effects, supporting the gastrointestinal microbial ecology.


Innovative Feed Additive

VemoHerb® Zyme is an innovative product that contains the enzymes mannanase, xylanase, glucanase, cellulase, protease, amylase, lipase, and galactosidade, in combination with biologically active substances such as flavonoids, saponins, sterols, tannins, polyphenols, etc., extracted from specially selected parts of unique Bulgarian herbal plants.

VemoHerb® Zyme

♦    Improves the digestibility of feed and enhances nutrients assimilation;
♦    Improves the energy value of feed;
♦    Provides better flexibility of formulations for combined feed, and at the same time allows lower value feedstuffs to be incorporated;
♦    Reduces viscosity in the intestinal content, osmotic pressure in the alimentary tract and water content in the excrements;
♦    Compatible with all feed additives;
♦    Sustains heat treatment during granulation;
♦    Increases animal growth rate and reduces the cost of animal production;
♦    Strengthens the immune system;
♦    Improves animal health status.




200 g/t feed for pigs and poultry 


Store in a cool and dry place away from heat and direct sunlight


Experimental Data

Effect of VemoHerb® Zyme application on ducks during the cramming period, %

Effect of VemoHerb® Zyme application on ducks during the whole period of raising, %

VemoHerb® Zyme has proven biological and economical effect, when used as feed additive for ducks, either during the cramming period, or during the whole period of raising. When the product is applied during the whole period, the good fatty liver is averagely 6.9% more per duck. Also, positive effect is observed on the fillet weight, which is increased by 4.5%, when VemoHerb® Zyme is applied. VemoHerb® Zyme application leads to less duck peeled fillet (duck fillet with damaged breast muscle).

Effect of VemoHerb® Zyme application on broilers, %

Effect of VemoHerb® Zyme application on pigs, %

Applying VemoHerb® Zyme to combined feed with lower metabolizable energy for broilers during the starter and grower periods leads to enhanced live weight and improved feed conversion ratio (FCR).

Applyig VemoHerb® Zyme to newly weaned piglets, for a period of 60 days, significantly improves the average daily gain and the feed conversion ratio (FCR).

Read the following articles for more detailed information