VemoZyme® M is a mannanase enzyme, specifically used for degrading mannan in feed ingredients and improving the utilization rate of nutrients for animals. VemoZyme® M also contains additional enzyme activities like xylanase, glucanase, cellulase, amylase, protease, galactosidase, lipase, pectinase, etc.


Enzyme Characteristics

VemoZyme® M is with activity of min 400 units per gramme.
Definition: One Unit of activity is defined as the amount of enzyme required to release one micromole of mannose reducing-sugar equivalents per minute under the defined assay conditions (pH 4.0 and temperature 40oC).

VemoZyme® M also contains additional enzyme activities like xylanase, glucanase, cellulase, amylase, protease, galactosidase, lipase, pectinase, etc.
VemoZyme® M shows highly efficient activity in a wide pH range – 2.5-7.5. The product is highly thermostable and withstands pelleting conditions up to 90°C.



Mannan is a hemicellulose widely spread in plant materials used in feed in high levels. The approximate quantity of Mannan in different feed materials is shown in Table 1. 
There are mannan polymers found on the cell surface of pathogens, parasites and viruses. Recognizing the mannose sugars as a potential threat, the innate immune system responds to it. Therefore, applying feed containing β-mannan provokes a costly response of the innate immune system.

Mannan shows its anti-nutritional role in the animal’s organism in a few directions:
♦   It combines with digestive enzymes or bile salts and thus impairs the digestive ability of the organisms;
♦   It can encapsulate nutrients like lipids, polysaccharides, proteins and thus make them more difficult for digestion;
♦ Another anti-nutritional effect is expressed in affecting negatively the insulin secretion which leads to worsening the carbohydrate metabolism and thus lowers the feed energy value;
♦  Each of the above mentioned effects of mannan lead to increased chyme viscosity which plays negative role in the intestinal balance and the health status of the animals as a whole.

Table 1: Contents of Mannan in conventional feed stuff

Feed stuff Total mannan (%)  Feed stuff Total mannan (%) 
Soybean meal (44% cp)   1.5 - 1.8 Dehulled soybean
meal (44% cp) 
1.1 - 1.3
Palm meal 2.5 - 3.0 Rapeseed meal 0.57
Coconut meal 25 - 35 Cottonseed Meal 0.37
Sunflower meal 0.60 Peanut Meal 0.52
Sorghum 0.10 Wheat 0.11
Corn 0.09 Barley 0.49
Oats 0.30 Rye 0.70
Rice bran 0.33 Sesame meal 3 - 4


♦   Feeding broilers with 2% β-mannan diet can worsen FCR and gain by 20-35 %.

♦   The typical swine and broiler diets contain 0.3-0.5% β-mannan which leads to 4-7% loss.





For your further convenience we have prepared the special Calculator which gives you the percentage of mannan in different animal's diets of your choice.

Due to the anti-nutritional effect of mannan, plant materials rich in mannan-based polysaccharides (for e.g. SBM) should better be used in feed in combination with Mannanase-based product such as VemoZyme® M.

Mannan affects negatively the digestibility and the physiological effect of nutrients either directly or indirectly:
♦   Directly – by enwrapping the nutrients
♦   Indirectly – by increasing the viscosity of the intestinal contents

The application of mannanase in feeds helps the digestion of mannans and thus increases the hydrolysis rate and the absorption of nutrients.

Biological Action

Advantages of using VemoZyme® M:
♦   Saves about 3-5% of the feed's metabolic energy through degradation of β-mannan contained in soybean meal and legume feedstuffs, by reducing the immune response of birds and energy spent on its course
♦   Shows a positive impact on the control of coccidiosis in poultry
♦   Provides for uniformity of the bird flock
♦   Reduces the cases of pododermatitis
♦   Reduces chyme viscosity and fecal water content and thereby improves litter quality
♦   Improves the utilization of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by degrading the oligo-mannans present in the cell wall structure of feedstuffs
♦   Balances microflora in the gut and improves gut health
♦   Improves animal immunity by degrading mannan to MOS (Mannan Oligo-Saccharides) which are potent immunoactivators
♦   Heat stable up to 90°C
♦   Stable in wide range of pH 2.5-7.5
♦   Mannanase supplementation significantly reduces diarrhea rate in piglets
♦   Increases egg weight and egg laying rate in hens
♦   Decreases feed/gain rate
♦   The effect of VemoZyme® M increases dramatically in the presence of enteric challenge



100 g/t feed for layers, broilers, piglets and swine


Store in a cool and dry place, away from heat and direct sunlight


Experimental Data

VemoZyme® M in broilers feed

Experimental design
PC (Positive Control): Corn-soybean meal basal diet
NC (Negative Control): PC – 150 kcal/kg
NC + VemoZyme® M: NC + VemoZyme® M (100 g/t feed)

The reduction in the dietary energy decreases the growth performance of the broilers.
Supplementation of VemoZyme® M compensates the decrease of growth performance caused by energy deficiency.
VemoZyme® M supplementation improves caecal microflora and pH value.
VemoZyme® M supplementation in low-energy diet has more significant effect than in regular diet.

Experimental design
PC (Positive Control): Basal diet
NC (Negative Control): Diet with 5% lower metabolizable energy compared with PC
Test group 1: NC + VemoZyme® M (100 g/t feed)

Performance is suppressed considering decreased body weight gain (BWG) and increased feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) in NC diet treated birds vs. PC diet treated birds. The addition of the NSP-degrading enzyme (VemoZyme® M) to the NC diets shows an increase of BWG and decrease of FI and FCR as compared to the negative control group. VemoZyme® M increases the utilization of carbohydrates and other chelated nutrients of feed and compensates the lower metabolizable energy of NC diet.


VemoZyme® M in layers feed

Experimental design
Control: Basal diet including 10.0% palm kernel oil meal
Test group 1: Control + VemoZyme® M (100 g/t feed)
Test group 2: Control + VemoZyme® M (200 g/t feed)

Supplementation with different levels of mannanase to laying hens diet including 10% palm kernel oil meal improves egg weight and egg laying rate and reduces FCR. A mannanase supplementation improves the apparent digestibility of CP and Ca and this tendency is better shown with higher mannanase level.

Experimental Data

VemoZyme® M in piglets feed




Experimental design
Control: Basal diet, corn-soybean meal
Test group 1: Control + VemoZyme® M (100 g/t feed)
Test group 2: Control + VemoZyme® M (200 g/t feed)

Different levels of mannanase supplementation improve the growth performance of piglets in different extent. Supplementation of VemoZyme® M significantly reduces the diarrhea rate of piglets. The high mannanase level is more effective in this experiment.




 Read the following article for more detailed information